tisdag 20 december 2011

Chemistry with class 6 and 7


In January we will combine the subjects chemistry and english for a period of time.

This will mainly concern class 6 and 7.

We will make some experiments and work with the films on this page.


We will also in January have the theme Asia, and we will work a bit more with these people from Asia who have been rewarded with the Nobel prize in chemistry.

1981 Kenichi Fukui (Japan) 
1986 Yuan T. Lee (China/USA) 
2000 Hideki Shirakawa (Japan) 
2001      Ryoji Noyori (Japan) 
2002      Koichi Tanaka (Japan) 
2008      Osamu Shimomura (Japan)
                Roger Y. Tsien (China/USA) 
2009 Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (India)

All best


tisdag 13 december 2011

Nationella prov engelska


Next semester you will start with your "Nationella prov" in english. I have found a link were you can practice with older tests.


all bests,


måndag 7 november 2011

Welcome back!

welcome back from your autumn holiday.
I hope you enjoyed it and had a chance to celebrate Halloween?

We will now start on a new 6 week period and this period will be a bit different except for class 9, who will continue working with their essay.

This link is for year 7 and for their test in irregular verbs the 18 Nov.


tisdag 18 oktober 2011

Human Planet - Åk 7


Last week we saw one of the films from the series Human Planet.

Your task is to answer the questions below. We will then discuss these questions on Monday the 24th oct.
So come well prepared. When you have written your answers, email your answers to me (erica@humfryskolan.se)


1, Tell us briefly about the Amazon rain forest in 10-15 sentences.

2, Give examples of food you find in the rainforest.

3, Write down your reflections about how you would find a life in a rainforest (10-15 sentences).

4, Describe one hunting technique you saw in the film Human Planet.

Keep up the good work!

torsdag 6 oktober 2011


Simple Presentations 
The following are some of the suggestions of phrases often used in presentations and framework that can help you structure your work. 
(Good morning, afternoon, evening)
I'm happy to be here.
I'm glad to have this opportunity to . . .
Today, I'd like to talk (to you) about . . .
My topic today is . . .
The focus of my remarks is . . .
I'd like to share some thoughts on (topic)
Main points
Let me start by . . .
First, let me tell you about . . .
I've divided my topic into (three) parts: (They are . . .)
Giving examples
For instance,
Let me illustrate,
To illustrate,
In conclusion,
To conclude,
To summarize,
To sum up,

Let’s Talk
Purpose: Practice speaking English
Simple Oral Presentations
Task: Make an oral presentation about:
Subject: The Person Who Inspires Me
The Person I like/admire
Work individually or in pairs.
You may choose between traditional presentation, role play, interview, newsflash, or whatever comes to you mind, as long as you speak English.
Duration: 3 to 5 minutes
Deadline: week 42
Grades Criteria: shall be delivered next week
SUGGESTED WORK PLAN: Just to help you on the way!
week 40: decide on pairs, subject person, technique, ( homework: 10 keywords for presentation
week 41: Information gathering; we will talk about SPEECH ANXIETY; Analyse gathered info, be able to summarise in own words (summarise article about chosen subject)
week 42: Compilation
Exercise, exercise some more!
Ask teacher the things are hard to do or just for a bit of moral support.
And then comes SHOWTIME! Time for presentations!
Enjoy your work and go break your leg!!!! 

måndag 19 september 2011

Some remarks and some vocabulary.

Hi, these vocabulary and writing remarks goes for all students.

First I want to remind you all about some basics in english.

1, Always use the capital I when you are writing "jag" in English.
2, Always start you sentences with a capital letter, ALWAYS!!!

3, Find out the difference between.

Their, there and they?

Who and Whom?

4, When do you use capital letters in English?


5, Vocabulary: (translate the words to Swedish and learn them)


Keep up the good work!

fredag 2 september 2011

Creative Writing

Year 8 and 7

The next assignment for year 8 and 7 is to dive into the wonderful world of writing.
We will work with genre and practice our writing in some minor and one major writing task.

You'll be given further instructions during class.


fredag 19 augusti 2011

Year 9 and 8- The Virgin Daughters

Year 9 and 8, this assignment is for you. We will watch the documentary The Virgin Daughters.
This documentary raises the issue about young girls
decision to wait with sexual relations until they are married.

I want you to discuss this with you classmates later on, but first you will write down you own thoughts about this matter. Answer the questions below and e-mail them to erica@humfryskolan.se. The answers should be at least 2-3 sentences long and give me an idea about what you think and why. Make an effort to explain yourself! Deadline is friday the 2/9.

This assignment is within the course requirements: "Levnadsvilkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella förteelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används." and "Samtal och diskussioner samt argumentation."

1, Why do you think many religions have rules concerning sex?

2, According to the priest Randy Wilson who arranged the Colorado Springs Cermony, the father is the most important person in a young girls life. He is everything. Write down your thoughts about this.  Do you agree or disagree?

3, How much do you think a parent should interfere in whom you love and fall in love with?

4, Are there similar ceremonies were a son promises his mum to stay "pure" and a virgin? What do you think? Explain!

5, Why do you think they make a ceremony like this?

Here is the link to the documentary if you want to watch it again.



Back To School!

Welcome back to 2011's autumn semester! I'm a looking forward to see you all and I hope you had a lovely and relaxing summerbreak!

This semester we will start working with a theme project about North America. This project is related to our sex educational project Genant, were we make tv-shows, radio,web and newspapers.

Your first assignment is as usual to find a reading book in english. I recommend you to go to The city's main library (Stadsbiblioteket) and lend a book there, it should be between at the least 50 pages.
This is homework and I will ask after the book your reading the 1st september. This homework is for all classes. After I have approved of the book you have chosen you will be given some weeks to read it. Then after that you will get an writing assignment for the book.

All bests,

tisdag 31 maj 2011

Margareta Atwood

I balance myself carefully
inside my shrinking body
which is nevertheless
deceptive as a cat's fur:

when I am dipped in the earth
I will be much smaller.

On my skin the wrinkles branch
out, overlapping like hair of feathers.

In this parlour my grandchildren
uneasy on sunday chairs
with my deafness, my cameo brooch
my puckered mind
scurrying in its old burrows

little guess how

I will prowl and slink
in crystal darkness
among the stalactite roots, with new
formed plumage
                                          gold and

Fiery green, my fingers
curving and scaled, my
eyes glowing.

måndag 16 maj 2011

Red Riding Hood


söndag 3 april 2011

Week 14


This is my last week before I'm leaving over to Katherine for a couple of weeks. If everything goes according to plan, I should be back working half-time at the start of May.

The last week I'm here there are some homework that should be handed in.

For class 7: By Tuesday, hand in your texts about the film If These Walls Could Talk 2 and your quiz.

For class 8: Hand in Quiz, text about chattwords (OMG, WTF ...) Konsthallen.

For class 9: 3 pages from your essay.

Class 9 have one part of the english national test on friday 08.30.

måndag 21 mars 2011

Besök i konsthallen

Avtryck och Mellanrum - Beök Konsthallen
WALEAD BESHTY – ett diagram av krafter
Denna utställning av den i Los Angeles verksamme konstnären Walead Beshty (f. i London 1976) presenterar verk från de senaste tio åren i form av en platsspecifik installation gjord för Malmö Konsthall. 
Walead Beshtys konst påminner oss om hur viktigt det är att sätta värde på det förgängliga i vardagen, framförallt dess glapp, pauser och mellanliggande perioder. Dessa mellanrum har alltid varit centrala i Walead Beshtys arbeten. I hans tidiga verk representeras det mellanliggande temat bokstavligen av de platser han valde att fotografera. Hans Excursionist Views (2001–2005) visar misslyckade, folktomma modernistiska bostadsprojekt som vacklar mellan evakuering och rivning, Island Flora (2005) dokumenterar växter, ogräs och vegetation som fått växa fritt på vägars mittremsor, medan serien med fotografier av övergivna köpcentra, American Passages (2001–pågående) presenterar den merkantila och kapitalistiska mardrömmen om tomma och stängda affärer.
Beshty gör konst av det som finns mittimellan men också om avtryck. När ni tittar på Fedex kuberna ser ni hur glaset har krossats från resandet när de har skickats runt. 
Sprickorna blir som ett slags minne. De har avtryck på sin yta av en händelse. 
Din uppgift är nu att fundera på följande frågor: 
1,Vad lämnar du för avtryck varje dag? (På världen, människor, datorn, miljön)
Skriv ner och berätta, jämför med en vän. Minst en halv A4 sida. 
2, Rita en bild av ett avtryck du gör varje dag på ett A4 papper. Valfri teknik, tex blyets, tusch, akryl, collage. 

Week 12

Hi guys,

It's been a while since I wrote here. We have all been working with different projects, film and the newspaper Genant. Anyway I have a task for the 7th and 8th graders this week.

First you go to the page http://www.ur.se/sprk/engelska/quiz/

Do the quiz on the webpage. After you have done the quiz make your own quiz about yourself, or a topic you are interested in. (Film, Arts, skate etc.)
It should at least have 12 questions and 3 alternative answers. You should write the quiz in English.

After you have finished the quiz about yourself find a friend, let your friend make the quiz.


fredag 4 februari 2011

Homework for week 6

Hi, these are the homework for next week.

Year 6: Tuesday 8/2 Finish your text about the film I Love You Phillip Morris. Remember to write at least 1 page by hand.

Year 7: Tuesday 8/2 Finish your text about english author you have selected to write about.
Remember to also put a picture on your page.

Year 8: Work with your tourist guide, should be presented in class at the 14/2.

Year 9: Tuesday 8/2 Hand in the first part of your essay, at least one page. This page could also be a structure of the essay, or the start. It's your choice.

E-mail me for further questions!

onsdag 26 januari 2011

Look up the website!


Another website for students and parents!

This site is amazing, year 7 will work with it week four.
I put the link here to so other students can use it to.

Great shows!



Tourist Guide Year 8 assignment for week 5

Tourist guide
Ni ska under de kommande veckorna sätta ihop en turistguide om en större stad någonstans i världen. 
I den här guiden ska man kunna hitta information om:

Stadens historia 
Karta över staden 
Fakta om staden (antal invånare mm.) 
Olika sevärdheter, med det menar jag bland annat berömda byggnader, parker mm. 
Aktiviteter, hur och var kan man roa sig i staden? 
Berömda personer från staden. 
Matkultur -Vad äter man och kanske var äter man? 
Vad kan man köpa med sig hem från resan? Vad är staden, landet känt för att producera?

Ni kommer att bli tilldelade en stad i ett engelsktalande land, städerna är New York, London, Kapstaden och Sydney. Ni ska genomföra både en muntlig och en skriftlig redovisning av arbetet. Den muntliga redovisningen ska framföras som en reklamfilm för staden. Den skriftliga ska se ut som en reklamfolder med bilder som ska försöka locka dit oss ressugna svenskar.

Använd er av Internet och gå till biblioteket för att införskaffa information. 

Låg nivå – Gruppen samarbetar inte utan jobbar på olika håll med de olika delarna och sätter sedan samman dessa strax innan redovisningen. Man har inte valt ut viktig fakta eller jobbat för att visa olika sidor av staden. Publiken förstår inte framförandet.
God nivå – Gruppen har fungerat bra tillsammans och samarbetat om uppgiften. Man har valt ut olika fakta för att få en bred bild av staden. Man genomför en muntlig redovisning som publiken kan förstå och som ger goda kunskaper.
Hög nivå – Gruppen har samarbetat under arbetets gång och har en röd tråd i guiden där de olika delarna hänger samman. Man har med omsorg valt ut vilka fakta som ska tas med för att publiken ska få ta del av intressant fakta om flera olika områden. Reklaminslaget fångar publikens intresse och skiljer sig från mängden. Publiken kan
efteråt känna att de lärt sig nya fakta om staden.

Jag föreslår att ni använder er av Keynotes och Imovie till redovisningen! Lycka till!

Och arbetet ska såklart vara på engelska och färdigt för redovisning den 14 feb vecka 7. 


tisdag 25 januari 2011


Check this out!

Here you can find great audiobooks!


Students: Read the text at the same time as you are listening.

Parents: Listen to the stories together with your kids, discuss what the story was about after!



måndag 24 januari 2011

Länk till tidigare Nationella prov.


Check this!

Week 4


Here are this weeks homeworks and assignments.

Year 6: Year six are watching Slumdog Millionare, the film will be followed up with a discussion about the film on thursdays lesson. Homework for next week (1 Feb)  is to write down 5 questions with 4 alternative answers (as in who wants to be a milionare). The questions can cover any topic.

Year 7: Last week year seven had a homework that was to find a book in english to read. If this hasn't been done. It should be done this week. This book should be finished by the week after February-break, (the 1 th of mars) They will also select an author this week whom they will write a short text about. We will also talk briefly about genre.

Year 8: Will work with finish their newsprogram, They should be ready for presentation on tuesday, sharp. 

Year 9: Have homework for thursday, they have received a text about female mustaches which they shall read and be able to discuss on thursday. This is a training momentum for the national tests.
On Thusday I will also start the oral national tests with 6 of the students in the class.



tisdag 18 januari 2011

Writing an Essay Year 9


Here are some information about how you structure your essay.

Check out the links!


How you make a reference list!


And don't worry we will go through this orderly in class!

Keep up the good work and remember to pick a subject for your paper!

måndag 17 januari 2011

Läxor vecka 3


Here are a list of homework for all classes this week.

Year 6: Thursday 20 jan: Bring a book of 50-100 pages in English. The main library have an excellent collection of books that you can lend from if you don't want to buy or bring one from home.

Year 7:

Tuesday: Write about your Christmas break 1 A4 page. E-mail your paper to erica@humfryskolan.se
Second: Find a magasin or newspaper in English on the internet. Read it briefly so you can say a little what it is about and which subjects it raises.

Thursday 20 jan: Bring a book of 50-200 pages in English. The main library have an excellent collection of books that you can lend from if you don't want to buy or bring one from home.

Year 8: Look up the previous post Newsprogram in the blogg. Deadline next week at the 25 jan.

Year 9: Tuesday: Select a topic you want to write your essay about. Or if you want to do a crafty project instead, choose which type and material/media. Remember that the essay will end at 5-6 pages and even if you do a project instead there will be a projectdescription of 3-4 pages.


First assignment for Year 8.

This is your first assignment for this semester. You will use your webcam and your theater skills,
to make a short newsprogram in English.

First check out the link below for some inspiration:

Second, work in groups of three. 

Your group will first make some research. Your program should contain at the least three headlines. 
Which these are, is for you to decide. They can be realistic or made-up. If they are based on facts, make sure to mention your sources. If you make the news up, make sure to give a orderly description of the news so it sounds realistic. 

You need to write a script for your newsprogram so the speaker/s know what to say in front of the camera. 

When you have finished your script show it to the teacher. 

You can also include, pictures or filmclips in your program, when you edit in imovie. 

Use your camera on your computer, edit in imovie. 

Make a presentation for the show in text, use the effects in imovie and the text tool. 

The deadline for this task is the 25 Jan. Then your group should be ready to present your show for the rest of the class. 

Keep up the good work!