måndag 17 januari 2011

First assignment for Year 8.

This is your first assignment for this semester. You will use your webcam and your theater skills,
to make a short newsprogram in English.

First check out the link below for some inspiration:

Second, work in groups of three. 

Your group will first make some research. Your program should contain at the least three headlines. 
Which these are, is for you to decide. They can be realistic or made-up. If they are based on facts, make sure to mention your sources. If you make the news up, make sure to give a orderly description of the news so it sounds realistic. 

You need to write a script for your newsprogram so the speaker/s know what to say in front of the camera. 

When you have finished your script show it to the teacher. 

You can also include, pictures or filmclips in your program, when you edit in imovie. 

Use your camera on your computer, edit in imovie. 

Make a presentation for the show in text, use the effects in imovie and the text tool. 

The deadline for this task is the 25 Jan. Then your group should be ready to present your show for the rest of the class. 

Keep up the good work!

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